Cora Cristobal Institute

Journey To A New You

Transform your life with the "Journey To A New You Program"
inspired by the
Seed of Life

Cora Cristobal Institute

Journey To A New You

Transform with the Seven Pillars of Life known as the "Seed of Life"

Cora Cristobal Institute

Journey To A New You

Your highest potential is waiting to be discovered

Journey To A New You® is the award-winning (Aspire To A New You Award) book published by Cora Cristobal in 2016. 

This book covers 12 chapters for change and transformation that has divinely evolved to a Journey To A New You Program using the Seven Pillars inspired by the Seed of Life.

The Seven Pillars to a happy, healthy and wealthy life are:

Personal Goals & Legacy | Work & Career | Health & Fitness | Relationships | Fun & Recreation | Finances | Mind Mastery


The Seed of Life is a visual representation of the seven days of creation.  The Seed of Life is part of a group of shapes in Sacred Geometry.  Those shapes are the circle, Vesica Piscis, Flower of Life, Fruit of Life and Metatron’s Cube. The Seed of Life is a symbol of blessing and protection passed through generations.  It is based on a theory that everything on earth, including life, is based on The Seed of Life, and the process of creating the Universe took seven days, hence the seven rings. In addition to The Seed of Life, there are several more stages in the formation of the Universe. The second stage is the Flower of Life, from which, as a result, the Fruit of Life appeared. It is this symbol that is considered the scheme for the creation of all worldly things.

The Seed of Life is a circular pattern composed of seven overlapping circles, each of which is made up of six smaller circles. This pattern is believed to be a representation of the seven days of creation, with the six inner circles representing the six days and the outer circle representing the seventh day of rest. The Seed of Life has been used in various spiritual traditions and is believed to be a powerful symbol of creation and potential.  It is a powerful blueprint of the universe, containing the wisdom of growth, development and creativity. 

The Seed of Life is a shape taken from the inner seven circles of the Flower of Life symbol. The seed forms the base element of the larger design. The Seed of Life, in its sacred context, represents the consciousness of God, the creator.  The Seed of Life found within the ancient sacred geometry symbols. It reminds us that we are all connected and part of the same Universe.

The American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

The American Board of Hypnotherapy

Journey To A New You Program


Personal goals are short or long-term goals that can apply to your work, family life or lifestyle. They are meant to motivate you to achieve what you want in life. They help you grow and develop as a person. It gives meaning, direction and motivation into our lives.

Do you see yourself going back to school, getting training, attending personal growth workshops, or growing spiritually? Do you want to learn to play an instrument, learn a new skill or write a book? Do you want to travel to other countries?

Some topics to consider include Personal Branding, Education, Skills, Habits, Spiritual Goals, Self-care, Time Management, Family.


Work and career provides not only the source of livelihood, but also a source of fulfillment. We apply our education, skills, expertise in the work that we perform and the career that we pursue.  We spend most of our waking hours in our work and career. 

What work do you do now?  What is the kind of work and career where you can utilize your unique gifts and talents ?  If you are thinking of quitting your job to switch to a new career, or move from one job to another, how are you preparing yourself for that? 

Some topics to consider include Mission, Vision, Purpose, SMART Goals, Coaching, Mentorship, Business Planning, Marketing, Accountability, Choosing a Career Path, Networking Strategies, Resume Writing,  Job Interview Preparation, Time Management, Leadership Skills.


Finances is a key component of life since we all need money to meet basic needs to survive and also  to  thrive.  We need money  to  grow  and  expand  ourselves, to experience the good things in life and to tap our greatest potentials. More than just earning an income, financial well-being is about having financial security and the freedom to make choices.

What is your ideal annual income and monthly cash flow? How much money do you have in savings and investments? What is your total net worth?  

Some topics to consider include Budgeting, Retirement Planning, Investing, Tax Planning, Debt Management, Financial Planning, Credit Cards, Insurance, Credit Management.


Relationships are a cornerstone of happiness and living a full life. This is because we are social beings needing love, care, friendship, belonging, joy and being a provider of all these as well. Relationships provide support system to get us through challenges and through rough times. Our family, friends and associations bring us laughter, joy, strength and inspiration.

What is your relationship with your spouse and family like? Who are your friends? What do those friendships feel like? Are those relationships loving, supportive, empowering?

Some topics to consider include Communication, Conflict Resolution, Boundaries, Trust, Respect, Intimacy, Self-Awareness, Compromise, Forgiveness, Resilience.


Health is wealth. Health and fitness is the key to a long, active and enjoyable life. Being healthy and fit in simple terms  means taking good care of the body.  We should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a  healthy body.  Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life.

Are you free of all disease? Are you pain free? Are you full of vitality? Are you flexible and strong? Do you exercise, eat good food, and drink lots of water?

Some topics to consider include:

  • Exercise: Benefits, Types and How to Get Started
  • Weight Loss: Strategies for Success
  • Mental Health: How to Improve Your Wellbeing
  • Stress Management: Techniques for Reducing Stress
  • Sleep: How to Get a Good Night's Rest
  • Nutrition: Foods to Eat and Avoid
  • Disease Prevention: Lowering Your Risk
  • Healthy Habits: Building a Foundation for Wellness


All work and no play makes a man dull, boring and unproductive. Taking part in leisure and recreation activities help to manage stress, promote overall wellness, and creates time to spend and connect with family and friends. Our lives can be so busy that most of us have forgotten how important it is to set aside time for fun, leisure, and recreation.

What are you doing with your family and friends in the free time you’ve created for yourself? What hobbies are you pursuing? What kinds of vacations do you take? What do you do for fun? 

Some topics to consider include Outdoor Activities, Adventure Sports, Music and Dance, Arts and Crafts, Gaming, Gardening, Travel, Cuisine, Movies & Television, Socializing.


Mind Mastery being in the middle of The Seed of Life, is the center of all the other pillars in our search for happiness, joy and success. It rules everything else.

“Whatever the mind perceives, you can achieve.” The mind that rests in the nervous system is the central system that rules everything through which our experiences are processed through the five senses – visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory.

What are your dominant thoughts day by day? How much positive or negative thoughts do you have? What are your hopes, dreams and ambitions? How do you look at yourself? Do you have a mission, vision and goals for your future?

Some topics to consider include Hypnosis, Meditation, Mastermind, Gratitude, Reading, Retreats, Universal Laws, Spiritual Laws, Mental Resilience, Stress Management, Positive Thinking, Goal Setting, Time Management, Visualization, Self-Awareness, Mindfulness, Self-Discipline, Self-Motivation.


Learn how to apply the 12 habits as presented in the best-selling book ” Journey To A New You” 

Enjoy a Free Downloadable PDF version of the book now. 

I am not what happened to me.
I am what I choose to become.

Cora Cristobal Institute

Cora Cristobal Institute now as part of its passion, purpose and profit uses The Seed of Life with the seven circles simulating The Seven Pillars of Life.  Just like The Seed of Life symbolizing creation and potential, The Seven Pillars are the principal areas of life that when nurtured and taken cared of like a garden in balance and harmony, consistently and no matter what and in all seasons of life, it will endure the ups and downs of this magical journey, we call life.

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